Craft Cove Blog: June 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Australian website for Gothic jewellery

I've created another new site called NIGHT COVE. This one is for chainmail, Goth jewellery and steampunk. And it's all made in Australia.

There will be a wide range of lockable jewellery, slave bracelets (handflowers), barefoot sandals (slave anklets), and steampunk.

Some items are made of chainmail, others from  wire work, and yet others beaded.

There is also a range of vintage jewellery, and belly dancing wear.

This is the first handflower design.

I have many many more ideas for things, there are so many handflower and footflower designs in my head, and sketched out. And so many more ideas for ear cuffs, wraps and vines.

Here are some of the other chainmail designs.

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