I have decided to completely refurbish my website https://craftcove.weebly.com/
It is still being done as we speak

I will no longer sell directly from there. It will become a gallery of items I have made. Both sold and not sold
I'm too eager to make new things, but not so much the admin side, so this will simplify things a bit.
To buy anything, go straight to https://madeit.com.au/collections/craft-cove you can buy many of my items from there, or you can just contact me through the contact page, or by emailing craftcove@gmail.com.
You can also request an item to be uploaded to madeit, and bought from there, if you feel more comfortable that wayI'm happy to make to order if it's no longer available, although many things are one-offs, I can often make something similar
So to reiterate: go over to https://craftcove.weebly.com/ for a showcase of what I can do
And go to https://madeit.com.au/collections/craft-cove for some items ready to be sold. Or email me