Craft Cove Blog

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Everything moved

I've finally finished moving all of Craft Cove from the freewebs site to the weebly site

So now you can find all the jewellery, gifts and ornaments at

and all the beaded flowers, and hair accessories at

Friday, February 5, 2010

Flowers for Valentines Day

beaded flower

Flowers are always a great gift for Valentines Day.

With beaded flowers they never die or go brown, but can last a lifetime.

beaded fuchsia

Here is a small sample of some of mine.

beaded rose bud
beaded carnation

french beaded flower

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Valentines Hearts

heart earringsIt is getting close to to Saint Valentines Day and it's time to think about that special gift.

Valentines Day is all about love, and the heart is the symbol of love.

I have made quite a lot of different beaded hearts, some puffy 3d types, some other 3 dimensional ones, as well as 2 dimensional flat ones.

Here are some of them.

open heart
heart earrings
3d beaded heart
beaded heart earrings
puffy heart
3d heart earrings
red open heart
3d puffy heart

All of these are available from Craft Cove

But don't forget all other jewellery also makes wonderful gifts for valentines day

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Yummy things added to Craft Cove

I've added some yummy things to Craft Cove. There's lots of fruit, and desserts, cakes and mushrooms.

Orange cake beaded
beaded watermelon

This is just a small sample of them.

mont blanc
beaded donut
3d strawberry

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